domingo, 15 de janeiro de 2012

She lives in the city under the sea

She lives in the city

Ela vive na cidade

under the sea

sob o mar

Prisoner of pirates

Prisioneira de piratas

prisoner of dreams

prisioneira de sonhos

I want to be w/ her

Eu quero estar c/ ela

want her to see

quero que ela veja

The things I’ve created

As coisas que eu criei

sea-shells that bleed

conchas marinhas que sangram

Sensitive seeds

Sementes sensíveis

of impossible warships

de navios de guerra impossíveis

James Douglas Morrison

quarta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2012

Eriberto Leão explica sobre seu espetáculo sobre Jim Morrison

Será, na verdade, uma auto-entrevista, ou seja, Jim entrevistando a si mesmo numa peça.

New plays about Jim Morrison are coming out on Brazil

I am very happy while writing  this. Ya know, I live in Brazil and it's kind hard to be a Doors fan here - we don' t have so much things related to Jim or the band as in the U.S. or in Europe. But I keep seeking for things related to both. Sorry for the mistakes, it's so hard to translate things from Portugese to English

And then, I found out this treasure! The Brazilian actor Eriberto Leão is making a play about Jim Morrison's life to come out on next semester!

First of all, I'll tell you about Eriberto. He's a Brazilian actor, widely known in my country by his soap operas on the Globo Television (the most famous television channel here), but he's also on Plays and Movies. And Eriberto is a huge fan of Jim, he's always talking about Jim on Interviews. There's one of Eriberto's quotes about Jim:

"I started to study Jim's life 20 years ago. I understood what he meant behind The Doors. I mean, I feel like if I've meet Jim without even looking to him.(...) Jim was a guy beyond that lawbreaker. What he meant was based on a beautiful and philosophical way; it is very important for the young people, it's a contribution, I'd say, to the younger; I know they'd like the play.".


Then now, the news about the play are oficially coming out. I'd translate one of them, but I've got some words from Eriberto about the play and I think he himself is the best person to explain the project:

Eriberto wrote: "We'd travel around the country".

"I talk about Jimbo 'cause I'll bring him to life again on the Theater, it'll be a Jimbo that only the people who truly understood him know"./"Jim had a main goal: only if you know Nietzche you'll understand. Or coming to the Theater soon.".

 I hope to see the play coming to my city. It'd be GREAT!

And the Lizard King is really conquering Brazil! There's also a musical play about him on Curitiba. The play itself is played on the streets, what fits pretty good w/ Morrison's spirit. The name of the show is "Rock is Dead?". The play is also focusing on Jim Morrison's life and legacy and on which were his goals behind The Doors and his Poetry books.

There's the poster of the musical play:

The Rock is Dead director speaks about the play:

Well, it's played on the streets.         
There will be 10 songs played by the band O TRILHO (The Track). This band will be a character on the play, it'll be The Doors. It'll play during all the show, but it'll appear only when we play Break on Through (the apex of Jim's caree w/ The Doors.)         
Our goal is to show Jim's life on many ways. The begin is w/ a drum and an invocation to  Jim through the actors singing "MISTER MOJO RISIN".         
Following there'll be the Ghost Song text, it'll be like the first scene. After calling Jim's ghost, we'll play Peace Frog and Unknown Soldier. On this moment, we'll show Jim w/ his participation on the theatrical group The LIVING THEATRE (offbroadway group, w/ a revolutionary aesthetic on its plays). After this metaphorical critic to the alienation, we'll play L.A WOMAN (once again MISTER MOJO RISIN will call out the audience)    Then we'll play Alabama Song (written by Bertold Brecht- playwright related to the Living Theatre). It'll be like a freak show on the play, w/ bizarre things and fire.     
Then we'll quote William Blake to the audience - trying to open their doors of perception  - while it'll be for Jim the moment of insights and discover of inspiration. It'll happen after Break on Through.      
After that, we'll begin the Celebration of the Lizard and the whole question "IS ROCK DEAD?". We'll mix this song w/ parts of the Celebration of the Lizard.     
Ending, we'll mix When the music is over/roadhouse blues and some another track from The Soft Parade.     
We'll finish it  w/ Jim's death and the song called THE END. It's the last  procession...       
 It's a ceremonial play where the people are going experience a unique moment as audience.

You can also check out the Facebook page for the Musical. It's really cool, they're always sharing a lot of stuffs related to Jim and Doors! Check out Eriberto's twitter (it's mainly on Portuguese).

Jim Morrison será tema de musical interpretado por Eriberto Leão


Jim Morrison, vocalista do The Doors, é a inspiração de um novo musical brasileiro, dirigido por Mauro Mendonça Filho. De acordo com o jornal O Globo, Morrison será intepretado pelo ator Eriberto Leão.

Pouco se sabe sobre a peça, ainda em fase de pré-produção. Mas a expectativa é que o espetáculo relembre os momentos mais marcantes da trajetória do vocalista, morto aos 27 anos.

Resta saber como o falecimento de Morrison será abordado pelo musical. Até hoje a causa da morte do cantor - encontrado em uma banheira no apartamento em que morava com a namorada, Pamela Courson - é motivo de controvérsias e teorias conspiratórias.

Na última segunda-feira, o The Doors lançou a primeira música inédita em 40 anos, parte do relançamento especial do álbum L.A. Woman.

Newborn Awakening - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man - Salvador Dali

Gently They Stir, Gently Rise
The Dead Are Newborn Awakening
With Ravaged Limbs And Wet Souls
Gently They Sigh In Rapt Funeral Amazement
Who Called These Dead To Dance?
Was It The Young Woman Learning To Play The Ghost Song On Her Baby Grand?
Was It The Wilderness Children?
Was It The Ghost God Himself, Stuttering, Cheering, Chatting Blindly?
I Called You Up To Anoint The Earth
I Called You To Announce Sadness Falling Like Burned Skin
I Called You To Wish You Well
To Glory In Self Like A New Monster
And Now I Call You To Pray

poem by James Douglas Morrison

terça-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2012

The Movie - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

The Persistence of Memory - Salvador Dali

The Movie Will Begin In Five Moments
The Mindless Voice Announced
All Those Unseated Will Await The Next Show.

We Filed Slowly, Languidly Into The Hall
The Auditorium Was Vast And Silent
As We Seated And Were Darkened, The Voice Continued.

The Program For This Evening Is Not New
You've Seen This Entertainment Through And Through
You've Seen Your Birth Your Life And Death
You Might Recall All Of The Rest
Did You Have A Good World When You Died?
Enough To Base A Movie On?.

I'm Getting Out Of Here
Where Are You Going?
To The Other Side Of Morning
Please Don't Chase The Clouds, Pagodas

Her Cunt Gripped Him Like A Warm, Friendly Hand.

It's Alright, All Your Friends Are Here
When Can I Meet Them?
After You've Eaten
I'm Not Hungry
Uh, We Meant Beaten

Silver Stream, Silvery Scream
Oooooh, Impossible Concentration.

poem by James Douglas Morrison

segunda-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2012

Stoned Immaculate - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

Perseus and Andromeda - Frederick Leighton

I'll Tell You This...
No Eternal Reward Will Forgive Us Now
For Wasting The Dawn.

Back In Those Days Everything Was Simpler And More Confused
One Summer Night, Going To The Pier
I Ran Into Two Young Girls
The Blonde One Was Called Freedo
The Dark One, Enterprise
We Talked And They Told Me This Story
Now Listen To This...
I'll Tell You About Texas Radio And The Big Beat
Soft Driven, Slow And Mad
Like Some New Language
Reaching Your Head With The Cold, Sudden Fury Of A Divine Messenger
Let Me Tell You About Heartache And The Loss Of God
Wandering, Wandering In Hopless Night
Out Here In The Perimeter There Are No Stars

Out Here We Is Stoned

poem by James Douglas Morrison

The Doors releases "She Smells so Nice"

Finally! The Doors releases its new song after 40 years! I loved it, it's a good and old dancing blues about a woman w/ Jim showing his powerful voice <3

Listen to the song here.

The releasing of the song is part of the Year of the Doors, featuring also w/ a Deluxe Edition of L.A. Woman and the documentary "Mr. Mojo Risin': The Making of L.A. Woman".

domingo, 8 de janeiro de 2012

Babylon Fading - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

Vision of Fausto - Luis Ricardo Faléro

Then we hear a whistle like a bison's pipe
And the carnival immediately begins
Gradually mixing rain,
Babylon Fading...

James Douglas Morrison

sábado, 7 de janeiro de 2012

Happy Birthday, Robby!

Happy Birthday, Robby!
Robby Krieger is the guitarist and also lyricist on The Doors. He's one of the greatest guitarist of all the time and he was also a lyricist on the band - Light My Fire was written by him! Robby also helped Jim with The End lyrics...
Robby had a great influence from the flamenco guitar! The power of Robby's song is the main part of Spanish Caravan:

sexta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2012

Dawn's Highway - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

French versus Indian - Unknown Artist

Indians Scattered On Dawn's Highway Bleeding
Ghosts Crowd The Young Child's Fragile Eggshell Mind.

Me And My -Ah- Mother And Father - And A
Grandmother And A Grandfather - Were Driving Through
The Desert, At Dawn, And A Truck Load Of Indian
Workers Had Either Hit Another Car, Or Just - I Don't
Know What Happened - But There Were Indians Scattered
All Over The Highway, Bleeding To Death.

So The Car Pulls Up And Stops. That Was The First Time
I Tasted Fear. I Musta' Been About Four - Like A Child Is
Like A Flower, His Head Is Just Floating In The
Breeze, Man.
The Reaction I Get Now Thinking About It, Looking
Back - Is That The Souls Of The Ghosts Of Those Dead
Indians...Maybe One Or Two Of 'Em...Were Just
Running Around Freaking Out, And Just Leaped Into My
Soul. And They're Still In There.

Indians Scattered On Dawn's Highway Bleeding
Ghosts Crowd The Young Child's Fragile Eggshell Mind.

Blood In The Streets In The Town Of New Haven
Blood Stains The Roofs And The Palm Trees Of Venice
Blood In My Love In The Terrible Summer
Bloody Red Sun Of Phantastic L.A.

Blood Screams Her Brain As They Chop Off Her Fingers
Blood Will Be Born In The Birth If A Nation
Blood Is The Rose Of Mysterious Union
Blood On The Rise, It's Following Me.

Indian, Indian What Did You Die For?
Indian Says, Nothing At All.

James Douglas Morrison

Angels And Sailors - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

The Univited Guest - Eleanor Brickdale

Angels And Sailors
Rich Girls
Backyard Fences

Dreams Watching Each Other Narrowly
Soft Luxuriant Cars
Girls In Garages, Stripped
Out To Get Liquor And Clothes
Half Gallons Of Wine And Six-Packs Of Beer
Jumped, Humped, Born To Suffer
Made To Undress In The Wilderness.

I Will Never Treat You Mean
Never Start No Kind Of Scene
I'll Tell You Every Place And Person That I've Been.

Always A Playground Instructor, Never A Killer
Always A Bridesmaid On The Verge Of Fame Or Over
He Manouvered Two Girls Into His Hotel Room
One A Friend, The Other, The Young One, A Newer Stranger
Vaguely Mexican Or Puerto Rican
Poor Boys Thighs And Buttock Scarred By A Father's Belt
She's Trying To Rie
Story Of Her Boyfriend, Of Teenage Stoned Death Games
Handsome Lad, Dead In A Car
No Connections
Come 'Ere
I Love You
Peace On Earth
Will You Die For Me?
Eat Me
This Way
The End

I'll Always Be True
Never Go Out, Sneaking Out On You, Babe
If You'll Only Show Me Far Arden Again.

I'm Surprised You Could Get It Up
He Whips Her Lightly, Sardonically, With Belt
Haven't I Been Through Enough? She Asks
Now Dressed And Leaving
The Spanish Girl Begins To Bleed
She Says Her Period
It's Catholic Heaven
I Have An Ancient Indian Crucifix Around My Neck
My Chest Is Hard And Brown
Lying On Stained, Wretched Sheets With A Bleeding Virgin
We Could Plan A Murder
Or Start A Religion.

James Douglas Morrison

quinta-feira, 5 de janeiro de 2012

Curses, Invocation - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

Contes Erotique - Vladimir Kush

Curses, Invocations
Weird Bate-Headed Mongrels
I Keep Expecting One Of You To Rise
Large Buxom Obese Queen
Garden Hogs And Cunt Veterans
Quaint Cabbage Saints
Shit Hoarders And Individualists
Drag Strip Officials
Tight Lipped Losers And
Lustful Fuck Salesman
My Militant Dandies
All Strange Orders Of Monsters
Hot On The Tail Of The Woodvine
We Welcome You To Our Procession

Here Come The Comedians
Look At Them Smile
Watch Them Dance An Indian Mile
Look At Them Gesture
How Aplomb
So To Gesture Everyone
Words Dissemble
Words Be Quick
Words Resemble Walking Sticks
Plant Them They Will Grow
Watch Them Waver So
I'll Always Be A Word Man
Better Then A Bird Man

James Douglas Morrison

quarta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2012

Ghost Song - An American Prayer - poem by James Douglas Morrison

                                            "The Awakening of Adonis" by John William Waterhouse

Shake dreams from your hair  
my pretty child, my sweet one.  
Choose the day and choose the sign of your day  
the day's divinity  
First thing you see.  
A vast radiant beach and cooled jeweled moon  
Couples naked race down by it's quiet side  
And we laugh like soft, mad children  
Smug in the wooly cotton brains of infancy  
The music and voices are all around us.  
Choose they croon the Ancient Ones  
the time has come again  
choose now, they croon  
beneath the moon  
beside an ancient lake  
Enter again the sweet forest  
Enter the hot dream  
Come with us  
everything is broken up and dances.  
Indians scattered,   
On dawn's highway bleeding  
Ghosts crowd the young child’s,   
Fragile eggshell mind

James Douglas Morrison

"An American Prayer" Week

Celebrating James Douglas Morrison's poetry, I'll be doing a whole week dedicated to the poems from "An American Prayer" (James Douglas Morrison's spoken album), fitting his lines with famous paintings! Hope ya all like that. Next post, I'll just begin with my favorite poem "Awake/Ghost Song".


"The Doors: Mr. Mojo Risin' - the Making Of L. A. Woman" screening at Egyptian Theatre (L. A.)

The new documentary about The Doors will be released at the Egyptian Theatre. The new work on Doors focus on the "birth" of the last album of the group released in the year of Jim Morrison's death.
More informations about the documentary:

 THE DOORS MR. MOJO RISIN': THE MAKING OF L.A. WOMAN  2011, Eagle Rock Entertainment, 94 min, USA,  Featuring all-new interviews with the three surviving members of the Doors, Ray Manzarek, Robbie Krieger and John Densmore, plus contributions from Elektra Records founder Jac Holzman, Doors manager Bill Siddons and music producer Bruce Botnick, this timely documentary - released in 2011 for both the anniversaries of Jim Morrison's death and the band's final album with Morrison - chronicles the making, recording and band-member dynamic during the production of L.A. Woman. Includes archival footage of the Doors performing both live and in the studio, classic photographs and new musical demonstrations from the band.


"Love Street" arsonist arrested

L. A.'s police caught the supposed "Love Street" arsonist.

The guy is Harry Bukhart and he seems like some crazy extremist - he said he hated America - and he's from Germany. Bukhart's damages are around U$ 3 millions; including, of course, Jim Morrison's destroyed house.

There  were no more fires since Burkhart was arrasted and he's on court today, January. 4th.

I expect, as a Doors and Morrison fan, that this guy'd be punished for everything he did - since, there are more damages on the neighborhood caused by Bukhart's fires - and the Love Street could mean the greatest of them all, 'cause it's not just a house, but it's also a  whole cultural legacy gave to us by Jim Morrison and Pamela Courson.

The video of the damaged house:

domingo, 1 de janeiro de 2012

Jim Morrison's 'Love Street' House Catches Fire in Hollywood Arson Spree

Bad news from the ending of past year...

From the

​The hills of Hollywood and West Hollywood came under attack last night: A mysterious arsonist (or team of arsonists) started 19 car fires in the wealthy area, some of which spread to nearby homes.
Luckily, no residents have been reported hurt thus far. However, one firefighter was sent to the hospital in the wee hours this morning with (non-life-threatening) injuries after fighting a blaze at 8021 Rothdell Trail, says Los Angeles Fire Department spokesman Erik Scott.

Fans of L.A. rock legend Jim Morrison, frontman for the Doors, might recognize that address:

It belongs to the gorgeous old wooden home where Morrison penned "Love Street" in 1968. And the part of the house that reportedly burned played a pivotal role in the songwriting process.  
According to the Los Angeles Times, "the blaze spread to a balcony and the front of the house."  
Embedded in that pile of ash are some music-history-making memories (from Wikipedia):  
The song was originally a poem written by singer Jim Morrison about the street in Laurel Canyon, California, where he lived with his girlfriend Pamela Courson. Their address was 8021 Rothdell Trail. Morrison and Courson referred to Rothdell Trail as "Love Street" because they would sit on the balcony and watch countless hippies walk by.  

LAFD spokesman Scott wasn't sure about the balcony burning in particular, but confirmed that a "portion of the outside of the structure and a portion of the roof" was damaged in the fire.

More from the Times:  
It took 56 firefighters 35 minutes to put out the fire, which was contained to the front of the three-story home, authorities said.
... Authorities termed firefighters' efforts a "major save" because the house is old and nestled in a hillside area with a high density of brush.  
Another few car fires along the Sunset Strip on Thursday morning prompted the LAPD to arrest 22-year-old suspect Samuel Arrington. But now, after the midnight spree, the Times reports that "police are not sure if the 19 arsons are the work of a copycat or if they arrested the wrong person."  
We're wondering if the arsonist targeted the Morrison home in particular?  
Since its construction in 1922 and stint as celebrity pad, the "Love Street" house was priced recently at $1.119 million. It's also listed on some vacation rental websites for around $3,000 per week. The fire that leapt onto its balcony early this morning began in a Mazda Miata parked out front.